Thursday, May 30, 2013



obama lied first about obama, than about his mission to DC.
both were personal to obama’s mission to destabilize the institutions that evolved from our national founding to this point in time.  obama knew that this Nation he pretended to love could only collapse from within.  surrounded by mindless insider traders and pols like pelosi/reed both mega millionaires via inside trading, via ways that make al capone small time, obama set in motion the final destruction of the US Econ structure, while billionaires, excepting Sheldon Adelson,  filled with greed that makes fertile soil for the ‘ism’s’ stand silent, as the actors of Hollywood, clint eastwoods omitted, empty heads we come to idolize on the screens, who only mouthed words written for their empty minds, rallied around obama, as the same mindset jews who supported hilter in the 1930′s, germany now mindless in conn/ny/ma were taken by another disguised fascist    maybe a muslim is disguise?
today a disguised Eco recovery, 11 million on disability, food stamps never higher,  a crushing national debt, a health care system in collapse. md’s fleeing in droves, idiots with nukes and missiles able to hit the USA  and Israel on the brink of nuclear destruction, a reminder of the wassau jews who said the nazis were just  re locating to Auschwitz…for resettlement…
but like all rogues, obama finally met his Waterloo exposed for the fraud he was/is/ and now a falling POTUS likely indicted by the House for impeachment since today exposure of the IRS Comm who led the pond scum attack on the opposition was the most frequent visitors to the WH….
it took years to undo the mafia, it will take about a year to remove this bowing commander-in-chief to the same disgraced closet as richard nixon…..
we American’s in time with untrammeled see and know a rogue when we see one, the illusion is over and obama with nixon in the American Hall of shame….thinking like capone that he obama was above the law…
today the NYT refused to attend a dept of justice OTR conference…..yesterday Bob Woodward addressed the sameness of obama to richard nixon..both classic leaders of a gang of felons…
when you lose the new york times and Woodward you lost the presidency…
as a disgrace MA governor is a swirl of mega destructive doings in MA, who flunked the MA BAR Exam 3 times, took over by illegal Marshall Law 5 usa cities, is being vetted to an appointment to the SCOTUS   the sole institution obama never infected with his Chicago gang mindset….
and there lies the greatest danger to out liberty…the loss to our Nation of the SCOTUS to a president bent on the undoing of our Nation….we are on the cusp of extinction unless we begin impeachment..or this Nation will be crushed by the pond scum of obama…the moment is now…else we are in the gravest danger from within in our history!

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