Thursday, August 15, 2013


VOTERS IN MA SUPPORT POLITICAL LIARS.... from the fake Indian senator, the just elected non resident senator, the governor who is a disgrace to MA and a seasoned political liar, to an AG that is a disgrace to her office; to a setti warren who qualifies only in the category of "unqualified" to the financial rape of the T, to opened season of permitted fraud in probation, to unstained unfunded pensions state wide, criminal justice in disgrace, --a list that is never ending...with obama setting up a health care disaster after he retires on a million dollar life pension, while the world leaders now tell obama to 'go to hell' Egypt burns, blood flows, because of a moronic foreign policy, as israel now faces true nuclear extinction because they believed in a state dept now headed by 'swiftboat', the ultimate idiot at state beating out hillary, as our civil liberties become ancient firearms are secured by the rogues in mass in MA without licenses on the streets of boston making dorchester/roxbury/mattapan safe only for the rats....and a mayor who should have retired but for the gift of building licenses he is now approving to a chosen few,as the big dig tunnel drowns in water and debt and national disgrace...the list is endless as the voter of MA abandoned the two party state for one party government that will in the end drown MA to the point of extinction as our Nation fragments and the Union crumbles....the liars have created a series of events that guarantee the ultimate collapse of the USA while the liar in chief has his dog flown in on air force planes to a 27 million dollar vacation estate for a family vacation that will cost the USA 24 million all while with a 18 trillion deficit..... the effect of Stein's law of economics: that what cannot be sustained, will---stop!....and these collection of liars have done all this in plain sight as American voted their election and the death of our Nation..the fracture of a union because so many states like texas will not stand for the stupidity that we have in MA having here electing a smile and a book writer grabbing 1.3 million for a mindless book that sold less than 5000 copies, at discount...who now seeks the office of the SCOTUS having flunked the MA Bar at least twice....BUT...the biggest of liars of course is us, ---voters, as we lied to ourselves saying in effect we did our duty when indeed we put these morons in office to rape our Nation..destroy the Union and did what the muslim terrorists could not do...destroy the USA!......God bless American we need u now more than ever! unproofed

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