With the horrific trashing of a valued newton asset, the Chief, wrongfully trashed after three decades of service; defamed, publically humiliated, libeled, slandered, wrongful termination, a year of hell on earth, a certain mega million dollar lawsuit likely, newton again [yes again] must see the outrageous failure of setti warren, unqualified to be mayor of this city; a police staffs top officers resigning, new pensions to pay well before they were due; sealed federal documents so we cannot see all of the doings in a court; this mayor is a disgrace to this city; aside from the mega flights from city hall, the school system never achieved the gold/silver stand for excellence by state reviews, add to that two teachers, one now serving 45 years!!! ... yes 45 years in federal prison, and another now accused of porn regarding children, these horrors in our school filled with your children, the communities children; there is grave trouble in newton MA all coming during the time setti warren became your mayor.....the responsibility for this mess is setti warren; the rock star mayor has crashed big time again and again....yes 'crashed warren' now needing to be trashed on election day...we had enough setti warren....for this lifetime...because folks reelecting warren is begging for more chaos in the garden city.....warren needs to go, and go now! else the voters will see more chaos and harm and danger from a man unqualified....to be mayor......the man is a clear and present threat to the life of our city! there is no longer any doubt that the warren smile hides a mean spirited unqualified man...5 years of law school never passed the MA Bar; now 4 years as mayor and rolling monthly disasters....setti warren needs to move on and out of the Hall or expect more hell and chaos --- just look at the record..the facts are clear setti warren is a first rate FAILURE. we can do better ! we will do better...we must do better...we deserve first class professional leadership at newton city hall...and we need it now! And to the Chief who bore the wrath of setti warren, thank you for standing tall, seeking justice, and bearing the pain of public humiliation i'm sure everyone in newton thanks you......God bless you and this City......unp
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