Jordan Lewis Ring commented on a link.
tragedies have overwhelmed the issue re the founders reasoning re the 2nd Amendment...that today is overwhelmed by emotions.....our founders knew as fact as we know today that the greatest peril to our Nation is government itself....first we form a government then we put in place those things that control that govt.....the founders knew that a well armed population could overwhelm any attempted dictatorship.....for in the end the mass of our Nation has the power "when in the course of human events..." while unthinkable today even with a POTUS who trashes our freedoms, in time another might well believe that the army should control the masses...we are on that road and as dangerous it might be, our Nation is protect from dictatorship by the protection granted to us to prevent that mindset and doing....all medicines have dangers in their use, but they are a better course than none at is an armed population that places fear in those who might think of trashing the Constitution.......
tragedies have overwhelmed the issue re the founders reasoning re the 2nd Amendment...that today is overwhelmed by emotions.....our founders knew as fact as we know today that the greatest peril to our Nation is government itself....first we form a government then we put in place those things that control that govt.....the founders knew that a well armed population could overwhelm any attempted dictatorship.....for in the end the mass of our Nation has the power "when in the course of human events..." while unthinkable today even with a POTUS who trashes our freedoms, in time another might well believe that the army should control the masses...we are on that road and as dangerous it might be, our Nation is protect from dictatorship by the protection granted to us to prevent that mindset and doing....all medicines have dangers in their use, but they are a better course than none at is an armed population that places fear in those who might think of trashing the Constitution.......
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