Sunday, July 27, 2014

Krauthammer: President putters as world burns - 0 Comments | Boston Herald

Krauthammer: President putters as world burns - 0 Comments | Boston Herald

as the world literally burns and explodes daily, the potus has either been hitting the ball, hitting international embarrassment with kerry looking lost, confused and out of step with reality.....and we sit in silence not focused on 'why'? the answer is 'plain on your nose' THE POTUS HAS RETIRED FROM ALL MEANINGFUL LEADERSHIP EXCEPTING THE MAJESTY OF OFFICE... the middle east is exploding, as is putin's role as the 21st century Antilla ....perhaps there are deeper reasons that only time and history will reveal re obama....yet the damage to our Nation and the World is horrific and ongoing yet the pride of our Nation knows that a Bill of Impeachment is now demanded if we are to have any respect for history and the million deaths that brought this Nation through the hell of history....

Krauthammer: President putters as world burns - 0 Comments | Boston Herald

Krauthammer: President putters as world burns - 0 Comments | Boston Herald

as the world literally burns and explodes daily, the potus has either been hitting the ball, hitting international embarrassment with kerry looking lost, confused and out of step with reality.....and we sit in silence not focused on 'why'? the answer is 'plain on your nose' THE POTUS HAS RETIRED FROM ALL MEANINGFUL LEADERSHIP EXCEPTING THE MAJESTY OF OFFICE... the middle east is exploding, as is putin's role as the 21st century Antilla ....perhaps there are deeper reasons that only time and history will reveal re obama....yet the damage to our Nation and the World is horrific and ongoing yet the pride of our Nation knows that a Bill of Impeachment is now demanded if we are to have any respect for history and the million deaths that brought this Nation through the hell of history....

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fed Up With Dead Jews | Jewish & Israel News

Fed Up With Dead Jews | Jewish & Israel News

As long as Israel projects weakness the packs will descend more often as Israel misses the point for survival… long as peres makes a fool out of the strength of the Jewish nation, as long as bibi deals with kerry/obama as a weak wimp Jews will die..neither the un nor eu are allies …Israel survival is ‘Israel might’ and the will to use that might….one nuke sent to iran with 10 more ready to launch will placed these Jew haters where they belong act as sheep and the wolves decent and slaughter Jews ….send the message but first place peres types and bibi into their proper place …the past….

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Romney Slams Shaheen As He Endorses Scott Brown « CBS Boston

Romney Slams Shaheen As He Endorses Scott Brown « CBS Boston

voters want answers, solution. not bashing...col JAG and high salary bos law firm to attract $$$, penny stock investor, jumped from MA to NH is off again to another loss....and Mitt has learned nothing while on vacation....answers to critical getting obama out of the WH , dealing with national defense, reclaiming the USA for the people. returning privacy and getting the police back to walking the beat rather than a bad impression of 'storm troopers' circa 1930....the only sure thing for the Col....start looking for another State.....