JORDAN LEWIS RING • unlike totalitarian states, we try our cases in the courtroom.....ur beliefs and conclusion while important politically, are immaterial to the concept of due process; that we never just ...accuse, ...first we investigate, than impanel a grand jury, our House impeachment committee, than hearings, than EVIDENCE... since we long ago did away with texas justice, a group, a rope, a while we look clumsy, slow, without progress, we are a democracy where constitutional mandates take not shouts for frontiers justice, but a systematic applications of our laws after exhausting the search for FACTS, anything else makes our process wild west justice and indeed gives strength to the very targets we see as demanding vetting by DUE PROCESS OF LAW as mandated by our constititions... not shouts for justice, not defaming a whole class of government...yes the process is not as quick as under a castro , Russian system but it is the American clarion call to a process that with all its warts and blemishes is the best system of law on this to all....j
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