Monday, June 3, 2013


JORDAN LEWIS RING • reality and return to facts,,,,,,,this Nation, our USA has less corruption than any other Nation on this tiny planet......our Nation enacted the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, removed a sitting president, sent an attorney general to prison, weeded and weeding corruption from every state house, as in MA where three former Speakers indicted, convicted and one a now guest in Club Fed....we as a specie, in our DNA, have a predicate in a small minority sense of political corruption, but to indict and attack an entire political system as an embarrassment is itself more damaging than the act of corruption....we are the best of Nations who deal with corruption by following the law, not the cry of revolution;
it is time to reflect on the wonders of the USA, its systems of justice, and to lawfully proceed with raking from the garden of Edan, the USA on this planet, of pond scum....not cry for what amounts to a revolution! human's move in a passion and rest in reason....let reason prevail, not the call to revolt and turn off the beacon of light we shown the the very end these rogues were placed in an office by voters, and it will be the voters that will deal with the issues...not the cries of those who see exposure of corruption as an embarrassment...time to think clearly, j

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