Thursday, May 30, 2013


THIS GOVERNOR HAS LOST TOUCH WITH REALITY! probation, criminal justice, welfare, bizarre appointees, a lt gov a disgrace to the office, while this governor parades about seeking an appointment by obama to SCOTUS.....or AG.. indeed this governor has retreated out west on taxpayer funded road repairs to his retreat sponsored by a book deal of 1.6 million dollars with less than 5000 copies sold to 3rd parties....having smiled his way from the public trust.... both the governor and lt governor crashed, one with a car the other with the end of an illusion that this man from chicago was any different than the rogue gang from chicago in the WH who disgraced this Nation and smashed their public this governor will not be the next Attorney General nor an appointed to the SCOTUS....he will be another mention on a page of governors elected with great hopes only to dash those dreams into the trash can of reality....this governor will fade away while running from his failed responsibility to the public trust...perhaps he best stay on his farm....and reflect on the collapse of state government on his watch.....and there is no retaking this the Bar Exam....worse than willie horton, he has placed the criminal justice system on life support, freeing felons and placing the public at grave peril for their safety....while having a foolish grin that reflects a very troubled mindset..thinking the voters truly governor at long last they got your!. unp

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