Friday, August 30, 2013


jordan lewis ring August 30, 2013 at 10:16 am
aside from utterly poorly defended federal law suits against the city that could cost millions, tragically defended by setti warren appointed city attorneys drawing mega city salaries, inexperienced in federal ECF and defensive pleadings, not asserting in their original filings in federal court claims for jury trial or privilege, aside from police scandals now involving setti warren directly, a former chief now collecting for life at huge cost a city pension caused by his removal by setti warren, aside from failing the top ten MA school educational ratings ----being 19th, hundreds of unfunded pensions, roads in disgrace, newton centre a disaster zone, AND NOW ANOTHER sexual misconduct scandal and a charge that has blown the lid of this city's government..and schools all starting with setti warren and all the school board members and highest paid administrators in MA.. IT IS TIME TO CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THAT SETTI WARREN IS A FAILED MAYOR SETTING NEWTON INTO A TAIL SPIN OF ONGOING DISASTERS UNDER HIS HORRID ADMINISTRATION.. SETTI WARREN bares full responsibility for these horrific issues and it is time for every voter, every parent in particular, to stand tall and remove setti warren and the school board members and find honest, qualified, focused leadership....leaders bright-- that are in the City and are willing and qualified to served brilliantly! SETTI WARREN is a true tragedy and failed mayor; the voters made a tragic political mistake and THE CHILDREN OF THIS CITY HAVE BEEN ROBBED A FIRST-RATE EDUCATION and AGAIN -- AND FOR A SECOND TIME, THE CHILDREN OF THIS CITY HAVE BEEN PLACED IN CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGERS BY ONE SETTI WARREN-- WHO NEVER PASSED THE MA BAR AFTER FIVE YEARS OF LAW SCHOOL; SETTI WARREN WHILE CAMPAIGNING IN A DISASTROUS FAILED CAMPAIGN FOR SENATE MISSING TIME IN NEWTON FOR OVER A YEAR DRAWING FULL PAY---THE SAME SETTI WARREN NOT PASSING-REPEATEDLY- ANY TEST OF AWESOME LEADERSHIP-- IN THIS NOW SHATTERED COMMUNITY ---THE VICTIM OF A UNQUALIFIED MAYOR WHO SMILES AS WE SPIN FROM DISASTER TO DISASTER....THE CLARION CALL HAS SOUNDED! and understand the ultimate victim of setti warren's and the school board members are--- THE CHILDREN...EACH CHILD ALLOWED BY FAILED LEADERSHIP TO BE PLACED IN POTENTIAL HARMS WAY AND A SCHOOL SYSTEM RATED 19TH WHILE LESSER COMMUNITIES GAVE THEIR CHILDREN THE WONDERFUL GIFT OF LEARNING BY GIFTED LEADERS.... IT IS TIME TO END THE NIGHTMARE OF SETTI WARREN WITH THE POWER OF YOUR MIND AND VOTE! unproofed

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