Monday, June 3, 2013

Exposure of fraud not an embarrassment

JORDAN LEWIS RING • indeed the exposure of fraud is not embarrassing for our Nation, it is refreshing.......and it shows the rest of the world we expose to the light of day, political fraud.....we are members of the human race that has been and will always be populated by's the nature of the specie...why we have jails....but each exposure make our Nation the shinning beacon on the hill, exposing skullduggery, in the press, prosecuting not in the streets, but the courts...madam, it's not embarrassing at all.....but shows a Nation that puts of the front pages of the press its frauds, than, orderly prosecutions, and if guilty in a court of law, not an author's pen, prison.....we are not to be embarrassed but we must see this American mindset and forum of justice be exposed to all so they too might adopt and enjoy the wonders of the American way....God bless the USA.....

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